On Sunday, 1 June 2014 at 05:46:57 UTC, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
The complaint I have for D is that too much memory is consumed for building D programs. The memory usage made it impossible for me to build the vibe.d site on my Linode, which the site above linked is running off of. The only way I was able to get the site to run on my Debian Wheezy server was to install a bunch of libraries from Debian testing, compile the program on my Arch Linux desktop, and then upload and run it on my server.

Isn't the problem here that you are having to deploy in order to
develop? Maybe I am just missing something, but it sounds as though there isn't actually a development workflow, just a create and release

Yes, that is a deployment issue. Deployment is a hot issue for me, for some reason. I tend to get annoyed if building software or deploying it is just a bit too tricky to do. So when they work, I like things like 'git pull origin master && dub build.'

The Go website has it's faults, but it has a lot of good stuff,
analogues of which would be well worth considering for a revised
dlang.org. dlang.org may be a bit static and not of the currently
fashionable style, but it has a brand image.

Branding does need to be worked on. Speaking of the site I'm working on... I would love to see something like the current D logo, but flatter. Then I think it needs a bit more colour in a few places. (We've adopted 'sort of blackish' and 'sort of redish' as brand colours. I also like D guy. I'd like to see a D guy which just fits naturally on the pages. It's kind of hard to tell what would unless you just put an image on the page and see what fits.

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