Am 01.06.2014 11:54, schrieb w0rp:
On Sunday, 1 June 2014 at 03:26:30 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
The problem with diet is it compiles directly to D code, hence forth
its not really possible at the moment.
However as I believe Sonke has said previous it is out of scope of
Vibe. Its actually in the scope of Cmsed instead.

I have looked into doing just this, reloading of templates. And from
what I can ascertain reliably we need shared library support. While
this is doable upon Linux, it isn't on Windows. Until its available on
Windows I will not use it.

My thread on the dub forum is here[0].
Basically I am also blocked by dub, to be able to grab all the
previous templates ext. From libraries and push them into a findable
place at runtime.

I would also consider using a different template engine entirely, one
which is less powerful but which can be automatically recompiled at
runtime. I would consider something with diet syntax, but where only
some of the D language parts actually work. (The '-' syntax parts.)

I thought there was a ticket open to let Diet templates automatically recompile in the background for development, but didn't find one - newly opened ticket: [1]. I definitely consider that particular feature within the scope of vibe.d (in contrast to dynamic loading of high level components), but I'm currently lacking the time to implement it myself.

For the big text content pages, it may make sense to stay with DDOC and use the DDOC processor of DDOX [2]. Another possibility would be to use enhanced Markdown. Unfortunately the Markdown compiler in vibe.d doesn't currently support tables, though (although those can of course be inserted using inline HTML).


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