On Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:24:34 +1300
Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> On 16/12/2014 8:30 a.m., ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> > so as you can see this is not about GPL or something. this is about
> > attitude which i don't like. maybe i'm overreacting, but i'm very
> > stubborn person sometimes. simple registration on github gives 'em +1
> > user. not that they care about that one user, but *i* care about github
> > not getting that user.
> Just one thought, as long as you are not paying Github any money, by 
> using their service you are costing them money. Maybe not much but still.
> So is it more important for +1 user or is it more important to waste 
> their money to you? And while you are at it participate in the D 
> communities repos in turn causing Github to loose more money.

in no way. guthub is not a charity organisation, and they will not do
the things that aren't profitable. they spent 10 dollars to keep 100
repos working, they got 100 dollars from paying customer. win. where
did they get that customer from? one of the "free users" told his boss
about github and boss decided that it's easier to pay github than to
keep internal infrastructure.

strictly speaking, the most valuable thing githab has is their "free
users". the more people using github the better. so i can't understand
why people think that "kind people at github spending money to give us
free service". they spending money to get more money, no charity here.

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