I'd actually prefer to focus more on ddoc's unique strengths - that it understands the compiler's scoping rules.

My #1 ddoc wish is not change to macro syntax (i prefer plain text anyway)... my #1 wish is for all D symbols to be made available to the output somehow, with their fully-qualified names and or mangles.

Imagine how cool it would be if you could write

import std.stdio;
      import std.path;
      File f = open(path.whatever());
File open(string name);

And have it come out as:

      $(D_CODE_KEYWORD import) ($D_CODE_IDENT std.path, std.path);
$(D_CODE_IDENT std.stdio.File, File) f = open(path.whatever());
$(D_CODE_IDENT std.stdio.File, File) open(string name);

and so on and so forth.

then we could implement a macro or a "I feel lucky" style search that links all those D_CODE_IDENT to the right places, automatically.

I think that'd be pretty boss.

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