On Friday, 19 June 2015 at 06:30:30 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Form factors and web standards compliance both vary wildly, rendering it "write once, TEST everywhere". That's all the more true if you go all HTML5, web-as-an-applications-platform.

Testing is a factor, but there are compliance references on the net. And it is getting better, much better.

Every once in a while I have to fix an issue after deployment, usually a visual bug in a new browser for which I can find a workaround quickly by searching the web.

If by "instant" you mean "this web 'app' leaves my mobile browser completely unresponsive for up to a full minute every time I tap a link, every time I use it".

Well, if it does not target a cellphone then it probably won't be pleasant on a small screen anyway. Mobile Chrome and latest Safari are pretty good, aren't they?

Polymer, web components.

Exactly. Piling more stuff on top. ;)


Neh, I prefer rolling my own, but it is more expensive than a well designed reusable widgets for things like admin interfaces. The problem is Javascript, which don't provide the right abstractions. But there are alternatives (Dart, TypeScript etc)

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