On Friday, 19 June 2015 at 04:18:59 UTC, Joakim wrote:
No, NaCl has been built into Chrome, one of the major browsers,

"One of the major browsers". One. Not "all". One. In the timeframe that NaCl was ever relevant, we're talking about approximately a third of browsers. And it was never coming to the other 66%. Ubiquity matters.

Think about that. Once you're writing your app in WebGL/webasm, what are you really gaining over just making it a mobile app for iOS/Android, both of which support OpenGL/asm? ;)

Maybe the part where you're maintaining three separate branches with three different sets of highly-specialised domain specific knowledge and bugs? And that still only covers mobile; iOS/Android aren't everything. (Yet. (Thankfully.))

No, I take issue with the text format, especially XML. That was a horrible idea, regardless of how many good features they built in.

I wouldn't call any of those things "good features"-- SVG is fractally terrible.


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