On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 12:29:17 -0400, Dan Olson <go...@comcast.net> wrote:

bitwise <bitwise....@gmail.com> writes:

Has anyone tried to submit an app for iOS with D code in it yet? I'm
going to be putting out a game in the next little while, so I was
thinking about sticking a D plugin in it to see if it raised any


Not to my knowledge, but please do try.  The D iOS toolchain built by
[1] only creates the armv7 libraries, but I have all the pieces staged
to support universal libs for running in the x86 iOS Simulator too.  I
expect to have that up on github in a week along with prebuilt binaries.

I am curious to see what App Store says about a submission.  If there
are problems, then we can hopefully make fixes.  I will be happy to

Actually... Apple recently started enforcing the requirement for 64bit support. Unless the code is built for both armv7 and arm64, iTunes/XCode will reject it.


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