On Monday, 7 September 2015 at 14:44:05 UTC, nx wrote:

Don't kill me, I'm just trying to help...

You can report issues and create pull requests :)


Most of these things I agree with.

CamelCase this_case or that-case doesn't matter to me. It's a personal choice and preferences. Technically, you can write all of YOUR code in whatever case you like, in just about any language (though some languages do not support this-case).

It would be nice to get rid of the __traits. It's not uncommon to see an underscore before something (I'm a C guy) but I was hoping D made better use of it. Putting two underscores in front of things does seem a bit "paranoid". But I digress, once you know it, you don't care anymore. You just type it the way it is. __traits it is, and will probably always be.

As for the Garbage Collector!

Please somebody save me! D's Garbage Collector is perhaps the WORSE garbage collector I have ever seen. It's slow, really slow, and stopping the entire world is painful, even in trivial user applications. A pause for even half a second or less on the UI makes the application looks "chunky" and broken.

Real world time-sensitive issues you say??, D's GC is so bad, it cannot be used, ever. D has zero use in anything time sensitive.

"But you can code with the GC when you don't need it" you say? Well, I can also code in C and C++ and not have to deal with it all, and take advantage of the STL in C++ or a plethora of open-libraries in C and still get what I need, without all the confusing mess around trying to use arrays or pointers without the stupid GC.

Seriously, the fact that the GC has gone un-noticied for so long is a HUGE turn off for just about ANY would be C like developer to migrate to D, and even for the managed folks from Java and C# to migrate to D.

I'm not against Garbage Collectors, but I AM against TERRIBLE garbage collectors, of which, D's garbage collector is.

D could SERIOUSLY use a rewrite or three of the garbage collector.

What get's me, is that D is sold as this beautiful evolution of C++ with this wonderful GC, but then once you buy in, you realize:

1. Nobody uses the GC because it sucks.
2. The GC sucks hardcore.
3. You can't use those nice GC features, because the GC sucks.

Case closed. SOMEBODY SAVE ME! D's garbage collector is a FAIL, and that makes the rest of the language a FAIL until it get's fixed.

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