On Wednesday, 9 September 2015 at 14:00:52 UTC, Brandon Ragland wrote:
Seriously, the fact that the GC has gone un-noticied for so long is a HUGE turn off for just about ANY would be C like

It has not gone un-noticed, that's how @nogc came about. So people are aware that it is not suitable for interactive use.

The key focus seems to be to rewrite Phobos so that you don't need a GC there at all. That approach I know nothing about...

Unfortunately, how to do C++-style memory management is still not obvious to me either. And I am also not happy with the library-allocator approach since that will make it more difficult for the compiler to optimize memory allocations. I think memory handling should be part of the language, not a runtime or library issue.

So I very much hope for a language spec that takes a more modern approach to address memory management so that we can get something that is better than C++ for interactive applications.

D could SERIOUSLY use a rewrite or three of the garbage collector.

You actually have to change the language semantics if you want a faster garbage collector. You can only scan so many cache-lines and unfortunately scanning is limited by total memory that can contain pointers and not the size of the GC heap itself... So either you need to group pointers on cache-lines and use advanced static analysis, limit GC memory access or take the toll of a concurrent GC (which would set back progress a couple of years).

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