On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 18:21:55 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 10/05/2015 12:35 PM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Sun, 2015-10-04 at 18:28 -0400, Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

I absolutely, positively cannot stand software that uses GTK for GUIs (including Unity and GNOME...not that anybody actually uses GNOME anymore) regardless of whether I'm running on Windows or Linux. So I definitely won't write software that uses it either, if I can help

Lots of us use GNOME and are proud to do so.

GNOME3? I'm surprised to hear that. My (perhaps inaccurate) understanding was that it landed with quite a thud and alienated a lot of its userbase (and even many of it's developers), moreso than the early days of KDE4 did. And I've never personally known anyone who did use GNOME3 (to my knowledge), so I figured it had become very much fringe.

Enough folks hated it that there have been at least two projects started which are forks of gnome (mate and cinnamon), and some distros are now using those as their default, which has reduced gnome's foothold. So, it did tick off a lot of people, but I don't know how many folks actually switched or how many have come back now that gnome 3 has become much more polished. A lot of folks just use what their distro has. Clearly, there are plenty of folks who use gnome 3 now, regardless of how it was received initially, but how many ultimately dropped gnome because of gnome 3 is probably hard to judge. I don't think that there's much question though that gnome 3 helped further fragment the *nix DE communities, because now we have mate and cinnamon added into the mix. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but between that and Unity, gnome is bound to have lost a lot of market share even if they still have a significant number of users - though since the gnome guys aren't exactly in it for the money, that's not necessarily a problem. They'll just keep on trucking, making what they think is the best DE, and those that like it will use it, while those that don't will find an alternative.

Personally, I definitely haven't liked what I've seen and heard of gnome 3 and would rather use gnome 2 (much as I hated it), but I'm a diehard KDE guy, so it doesn't really matter all that much to me so long as it doesn't end up affecting KDE in a negative way.

- Jonathan M Davis

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