On Friday, 25 December 2015 at 14:24:34 UTC, Bubbasaur wrote:
On Friday, 25 December 2015 at 14:13:56 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Friday, 25 December 2015 at 09:18:45 UTC, Israel wrote:
Why not take it to the next level while youre at it? Add user comments that can be rated by users and sorted by date.

My dream does not include user comments. I don't think well-written documentation benefits from them...

What happens when I see a DOC with comments is that sometimes the comments are more clear than the Doc itself, or there are tips or tricks that was not "well" documented.


Just one example that I said early, if you look here:

https://dlang.org/dmd-windows.html#switch-L (-Llinkerflag)

It's written:

"pass linkerflag to the linker link.exe , for example, -L/ma/li".

But at least on Windows, you need to put a space between -L and the PATH. Which It's weird, since with "-I" flag you don't need any space.

It took me 30 minutes until I find why my program wasn't compiling. Thanks to the Forum.


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