On Wednesday, 13 January 2016 at 14:01:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I have most github-related emails delivered to a separate folder. Only since Jan 30 2015 there are a staggering number of messages there - 25113. Just going through them all would be a full-time job that wouldn't allow me to do anything else.

However, it turns out some of these are blocked in wait of my input. Some of you learned to kindly send me email when that happens. That works very well, but not everybody knows that.

I also have a saved search https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pulls/mentioned/andralex that shows me all Phobos PRs that mention my handle. I visit that once in a while.

I'm sure there must be better techniques. How do you keep up with github?

Methodology I have came to at work looks roughly like this:

1) Unsubscribe from all notifications apart from those repositories few you must process immediately (in case of D-Programming-Language this means "unsubscribe from all")

2) Use GitHub assignments and labels to sort and search through pull requests in a systematic manner according to own plan

3) When someone mentions @andralex directly, notificiation will still arrive and you can check those at higher priority.

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