On Wednesday, 13 January 2016 at 14:01:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I also have a saved search https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pulls/mentioned/andralex that shows me all Phobos PRs that mention my handle. I visit that once in a while.

That's also a good idea though I'd say don't revisit the search, get emails for those so you can get more timely notifications and not look at the same thing twice.

Github's notification settings suck. I'd do the filter in a custom client-side program...

I think if you focus your attention on @mentions and new PRs opened, while filtering the rest, you should be able to get that down to size. You might be interested in merges too.

Then handle the rest with a more efficient client!

Only since Jan 30 2015 there are a staggering number of messages there - 25113.

I handle over 50,000 emails a year (this includes all D forum posts btw). I don't necessarily read or reply to all of them, but I do look at all of them.

I achieve this by using a hotkey-driven local mail client (a slightly customized mutt - http://www.mutt.org/ ) with a custom incoming email processor. I just *read* two forum post emails in under ten seconds. In aggregate, I spend about 10% of my work hours on email. That's a lot, but it isn't unmanageable.

You might actually be able to do the same if you wanted to set up a local client. Set it so the messages are displayed without need for click and scroll, then train your brain to instantly recognize if you care or not and hit the d key to delete and move straight ahead to the next one.

When there's a recurring pattern, you can modify your processor to handle it differently, from forwarding to a text message if really important, to beeping locally, to auto-deleting.

Once you start writing your own programs running on your own computer instead of limiting yourself to some crappy web interface's ajax garbage and idiotic notification settings, the world becomes a much nicer place!

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