On 21/01/16 5:21 PM, Anon wrote:
Seeing the recent extern(C++) threads, and much concern therein, I'd
like to propose DIP87: http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP87

Destroy to your heart's content.

It was great until I saw:
extern(auto, "myMoveTo:")

After all:
extern(C/C++/D/Objective-C[, string])

Is that string meant for raw mangling or effect mangling in the form of selector?

Just no, leave @selector alone I think.

You have the same problem with c++ namespaces.

Perhaps this is slightly wrong.
Is the only way to force a specific mangling.

Where as
extern(C/C++/D/Objective-C[, string])
with the string altering in C++ and Objective-C mode.

So the only difference is extern(string) vs pragma(mangle, string)
Little harder sell, but I think might be worth it for cleaning up the language.

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