On 2016-01-23 02:31, Anon wrote:

Ideally, by whether the `extern()` forms a block or it is attached
directly to the symbol. I understand that wouldn't work with existing
implementation in the compiler, but hopefully it wouldn't be too
difficult to do. But I know nothing of compiler internals so am probably

That will change the behavior compared to how all other attributes work. There's no difference for these syntaxes:

extern(C) int a;
extern(C) { int a; }
extern(C): int a;


public int a;
public { int a; }
public: int a;

I'll have to look into this more. My cursory reading told me of
"instance" methods and "class" methods, that get mangled as
"_i_<Something>_<method>..." and "_c_<Something>_<method>..."
respectively. Is this what you are talking about?

No. In Objective-C there's a protocol (interface) called "NSObject" and a class called "NSObject". It needs to be possible to do this:

class NSObject {} // standard mangling, NSObject

extern(Objective-C) pragma(mangle, "NSObject")
interface NSObjectProtocol {} // custom mangling, NSObject

The mangling for a method is more like L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_0. Where 0 is an increasing number.

If you have access to a Mac you can try compiling this [1] example and list all symbols with the "nm" command.

Sure, but when using ObjC code from D:

extern(Objective-C) class Something {
void moveTo(float x, float y) @selector("x:y:");

// Elsewhere

I don't see how the selector is doing anything more than mangling here.
Even if you have multiple methods in D that mangle to the method name in
ObjC (minus parameters), that selection is done by D, which then mangles
the name according to the selector, right? If not, do you have an
example handy to illustrate?

No. The above call to "moveTo" is lowered to something like this:

objc_msgSend(something, "x:y:", 1, 2);

The Objective-C runtime will find the correct method implementation to call based on the selector.

[1] http://dlang.org/spec/objc_interface.html#usage-example

/Jacob Carlborg

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