On Wednesday, 2 March 2016 at 00:16:57 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
Would this work?

1. pick a single module name like

    module math.optimize;

2. import that module with:

    import math.optimize;

3. put this module in a hierarchy like that:


4. pass -I<directory-containing-math-directory> to the compiler

However it may clutter your module namespace a bit more.

Yeah, this is what I going to do: flat hierarchy, like one 'src' directory and one 'extra' directory in the project root, globally unique package names, passing -Isrc and -Iextra to the compiler, and ... module declaration directives.
I was trying to avoid them, but maybe it's not possible.

I still think that software entities shouldn't depend upon their own name, or their absolute location in the top-level namespace.

This is true for classes, functions/methods, variables, structures ... maybe this rule becomes invalid when third-party packages enter a project?

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