On Thursday, 17 March 2016 at 18:06:32 UTC, Gerald Jansen wrote:
On Thursday, 17 March 2016 at 16:33:45 UTC, DennisQuaid wrote:
Here's about "Compilers/Programming Language" so most people here are bearded guys.

Actually this extreme gender imbalance is something that struct me ever since I started watching the DConf videos and following these forums. Is it the same in other comparable communities? Or is there perhaps something about the D language or its community that contributes to the extreme gender imbalance? (Competitiveness and occasional aggressivity in these forums, for example?)

Look at pretty much any technical conference or open source community. The vast majority of those involved will be men. There are definitely women programmers out there, and some among them do get involved in communities like this, but in general, for whatever reason, the vast majority of programmers are men, and that's what you're naturally going to see in communities like this. But if women want to be involved, there's nothing stopping them, and it's not like we ask about gender here, so a number of the posters could be women without you even knowing it. And a woman _did_ speak at dconf 2013 - Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert - and she's occasionally posted in the newsgroup. So, they do exist here.


In general though, I don't think that there's any reason to care about what gender people are here. Your gender has nothing to do with your skill or knowledge level as a programmer and really shouldn't have any impact on the discussions here.

- Jonathan M Davis

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