On 25.03.2016 15:56, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 03/17/2016 01:02 PM, ag0aep6g wrote:
"Woman" excludes non-adults. Non-adult, like I was when I started with

Being most inclusive is clearly not the goal here. Otherwise Karabuta wouldn't have specified the sex. Did he choose "a female" to include children when talking about "someone soft and mortal who actually understand how to communicate and build a community"? I doubt it.

That's the problem with PC nitpicking, it never ends.

I agree that picking on every word someone says isn't good. And it's worse when bad intent is assumed behind every little odd choice of words. I don't mean to do that.

Maybe this use of "female" is benign, but it rubs me wrong way. I don't think I've been too hard on Karabuta by telling him that.

"A female" sounds like you're
talking about an animal.

Not to a native english speaker.

I call bullshit on that. I don't have any strong evidence, and I'm not even a native English speaker myself, but I simply don't buy it.

Here's the first Google hit I got for "animal documentary male female":


Didn't take long to find a spot where they talk about "the males" and "the females", because they always do in animal documentaries.

Note how the speaker switches from "male"/"female" for kangaroos to "man"/"woman" for humans. That's what I'm talking about.

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