On 03/25/2016 03:40 PM, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 25.03.2016 15:56, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 03/17/2016 01:02 PM, ag0aep6g wrote:
"A female" sounds like you're
talking about an animal.

Not to a native english speaker.

I call bullshit on that. I don't have any strong evidence, and I'm not
even a native English speaker myself, but I simply don't buy it.

Here's the first Google hit I got for "animal documentary male female":


Didn't take long to find a spot where they talk about "the males" and
"the females", because they always do in animal documentaries.

Note how the speaker switches from "male"/"female" for kangaroos to
"man"/"woman" for humans. That's what I'm talking about.

Of course they switch like that: It's an animal documentary, it helps to have an extra verbal cue for clarification when they switch between talking about animals vs humans. "Man"/"Woman" implies "Human". "Male"/"Female" are more generic than that. That's why they switch. Not because "Male"/"Female" implies "Non-Human" (it doesn't), but because "Man"/"Woman" DOES imply "Human" - an obviously important distinction in an animal documentary.

Regardless of that, the whole matter is dead simple, though many are too blinded by fear of offending to see the blatantly obvious:

Any "man" here who TRULY DOES get offended (and not just thinks he should get offended, or that other guys might be offended) by being called "A *MALE*" can go ahead and argue about "a woman" being offensive. Anyone else needs to drop their paranoid, self-contradictory bullshit.

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