On 17.03.2016 17:17, Karabuta wrote:
Are there any female programmers using D? :)
Moreover, the socia Media representation of D sucks. I think we need a
female, at least someone soft and mortal who actually understand how to
communicate and build a community. Coders suck at these things and its
not helping. This is not about gender balance crap, it about building a

Forgive me for my brutal opinion.

Destroy :)

I can't be the only one who is irritated by this use of the word "female". Why do you avoid "woman"? "A female" sounds like you're talking about an animal.

Also, I don't agree with equating female with social media / public relations / community work. If someone wants to take a role of community manager (or whateer), great. I don't care if they're a man or a woman. We should not ask female programmers to be poster girls for D.

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