On Thursday, 30 June 2016 at 22:48:44 UTC, dalailambda wrote:

I think if dub were distributed with DMD, along with a utility to install global programs (that way a D plugin can just call `dub install workspace-d` or similar), it would make it very easy to get started with D.

DUB only recently hit 1.0. Now that it has, it is planned to begin bundling it with DMD.

[0] As much as the "reference compiler vs faster compiler" distinction, I feel like languages that have a single official compiler that you can use for development and production (e.g. Go/Rust) are much friendlier.

DMD *is* the official compiler. That's what a reference compiler is. The other compilers are there for those who want them and are developed independently of DMD. It's no different from the situation with Java (with the exception that Oracle doesn't link to other compilers on their JDK download page). No one says you *have* to use LDC or GDC for production, or that you can't use DMD. It's just as a recommendation for those who care about squeezing out every last drop of performance.

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