On Friday, 28 October 2016 at 03:44:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 10/27/16 3:59 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
Mir GLAS (Generic Linear Algebra Subprograms) has its own repository [1]

Big news:

1. Mir GLAS does not require D / C++ runtime and can be used in any programming language as common C library! See read README [1] for more

Cool work!

One thing I'd want to understand is how to use Mir GLAS from within D itself. If it's a straight C interface, there seems to be a fair amount of friction (we have a D program communicating with a D library through the uncomfortable confines of a C interface). Is that the case? Should there be a way to short circuit the C API and use a more expressive D interface? (Looking e.g. at Eigen, it's meant to allow people using it from C++ to take advantage of a C++-specific smooth interface.)

GLAS has 2 APIs: GLAS(ndslise) and BLAS(fortran).
Both APIs has C/C++ and D headers. D headers contains aliases with unified names like in core.stdc.tgmath. So, extern(C) interface for GLAS is comfortable and looks like:

    gemm(alpha, a, b, beta, c); // calls glas_?gemm

The latest ndslice PR to stable branch solves a problem in case of const and immutable a and b. https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/4873

GLAS does not have syntax like Eigen, i mean

    c = a * b;

This syntax can be a part of another package for scripting like syntax. See also Q&A https://github.com/libmir/mir-glas#why-glas-does-not-have-lazy-evaluation-and-aliasing-like-eigen

6. GLAS is no longer distributed as a generic library. Level 2 and Level 3 generic API will be removed from Mir. There are few reasons why it is much better as precompiled library, and no reasons why it should be generic. In the same time, generic multidimensional Level 1 routines
will be improved.

I guess I'd like to understand the dynamics better here.

The main reason is compilation time (1 secs+) and template bloat (50 KB +). OpenBLAS size is more than 20 MB. GLAS is smaller, but it is not something lightweight like `sort`. Assume you are buildings a large D projects one-by-one file in parallel. It can be builded during minutes and its size can be >100 MB, only because GLAS.

So, having an extern(C) layers is good practice to keep interface clear and compile time small.


1. Would you like GLAS be packed with Phobos?

You have all support from Walter and myself for integrating GLAS with Phobos. Before that I'd want to make sure we slice and dice things properly.

Awesome! I am happy to read this)

2. Is it possible to make GLAS a replaceable part of Phobos? For example a user may want to use the latest GLAS without waiting a new compiler

That would be an interesting precedent. We should talk about it next week. (My knee-jerk reaction is if we're worth our salt we should release Phobos often enough to obviate the need for this. But the notion of hot-swapping subcomponents is cool too.)

Some concepts can be found on a slides from my today's talk



Best regards,

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