On Friday, 28 October 2016 at 16:14:56 UTC, Sameer Pradhan wrote:

I must plead ignorance on the finer interface details, but from what I am reading this seems like an amazing development. I am so happy that that D has a solid base for GPU work.

The post from a few weeks back with performance details compared to BLAS and others was quite impressive. details I was just telling Steve at the Boston meetup yesterday that libmir and now MirGLAS has really made me jump up and down to start using D seriously for some language processing work I have been hoping to use it for. I have been an observer and reader for several years now, but haven't taken the leap. Yet. Hopefully soon...


For GPUs there is dcompute (also on libmir's github) on the way, although it'll be probably another month (exams, joy!) before the compiler stuff gets fully merged into LDC and we can start on an API that forwards to OpenCL/CUDA, and doesn't suck to use.

If you have any experience with either OpenCL or CUDA we'd love to have your input.

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