On Monday, 28 August 2017 at 21:17:19 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
Why "again"? You've not stated so before AFAICT.
Regardless, I disagree that discussing the validity of recommendations in a thread specifically made to gather such recommendations is a distraction from the topic; I would contend that it lies at the heart of the topic.

The poster asked for programs that fit his (vague) criteria, it is NOT up to you to determine what those criteria are and then belittle people there posts that try to help out with there own recommendations. The fact that you can not see this even now, really is a issue.

And i am not referring to this topic alone or those that i personally post in. There are many where the same patterns are viable and i notice the pattern, that its always your name next to those posts.

Is it so hard for you to not always override topics here and constant "straw man" or other terms calling. And i use this term because because you constantly write "irrelevant", "straw man argumentation", "but I don't care" and other belittling statements that seem to indicate that your opinion means more then others. Or how you supposedly do not care and have no issue pointing it out half a dozen times.

It gets very fast tiresome. You are the only poster that i see here that is non-stop doing this. If you do not like something or find it irrelevant, then do not respond to it. But they way you act, like posts are below or irrelevant to you...

This is the "again" i refer to. You do this is a lot of topics. You dissect people there posts and write how it is irrelevant to you or some other clever looking down terminology. It totally distracts from the topic at hand and frankly, makes people less likely to continue topics.

Its this kind of attitude that in MY personal opinion makes this mailing board toxic for new users. While you are not impolite, the way you act upon people the posts makes it hard to have a honest discussion with you without it turning off-topic or simply scaring away people.

So again polity again, to refrain from acting like this and let people have there own opinion without you dissecting every piece. Its turns topic off-topic and adds no value to the discussion. I await your next well written comment how what i wrote is irrelevant and how you do not notice this behavior.

This site really needs a proper forum with the ability to block specific posters and make this board less toxic. Because 99.9% of the people here are nice but your behavior is hard to deal with. And i am sure you will disagree with this.

Stay out of my posts and stop looking down on people and we will get along. This is my last post on this off-topic issue.

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