On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 21:30:44 UTC, Jerry wrote:
On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 18:08:52 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
The requirements are rather vague, you can interpret it in a number of ways.

The sensible interpretation imho is "as low an install footprint as possible while still fulfilling the other requirements". I'm not aware of anything below ~20MB install footprint that fulfills the other requirements, but I'd be interested if you know any.

The install requirement is arbitrary, and why 20MB? It just seems like you are trying to advertise that program for some reason.

Because of the programs recommended until that post nothing was below that while meeting the other requirements (there were others in the same range, vim being one). The (later) DlangIDE recommendation, however, lowered that to about ~5MB (beating both my recommendation and vim in the process).

I wouldn't consider 200MB gigantic in comparison to 20MB cause there is literally no difference of use for me.

The thread is about OP's requirements.

So replace me with anyone.

You'd have to have a really shitty laptop for it to be an issue.

Not relevant.

It is relevant, shit, even with a shitty laptop you can upgrade the hdd and then it becomes a non-issue anyways.

Your argument implicitly assumed a specific reason (albeit a generally sensible one) as to why low install size was a (must) requirement (physical storage limitations being only one possible reason; shared devices with fixed disk quotas or devices owned by the university with certain policies being other possibilities). That is why I didn't (and don't) think it as relevant to the specific point about being as low as possible I was making.

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