On Sunday, 15 October 2017 at 10:09:02 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
If the GC issue can not be tackled and even with the recent communication blogs, it still keeps showing up. Is it maybe not better to focus the marketing features that other developers ( none C++ ) may see as advantages and slow draw then in? High performance web development package for instance. Vibe.d does not count because has not been seen giving any descent public performance in years ( like techempower or other sites ).

At the moment, for very demanding high-performance web applications, the main choices are :
- Dart
- Go
- C/C++
- Java/Kotlin

This is somewhat confirmed by the following benchmark (despite its well known flaws) :


I think that D, with its fiber system and extreme execution speeds, should already have everything needed to compete on the same grounds as Dart and Go.

But only if :
- the fibers automatically uses all cores if allowed to do so;

Even if a given fiber is pinned to particular core it will be balanced with typical http request/response model where you have LOTs of short-lived requests. So no changes required.

- the GC problems is designed so that the server never hangs for more than a few milliseconds IN THE WORST CASE (progressive GC)

Actually prioritizing low latency will hurt RPS you seem to care about. Java can easily stay in top 20 with pauses of up to ~100ms.

- dedicated HIGH PERFORMANCE web server (cfr Go/Dart) and

Might work. In this benchmark it’s hardly the bottleneck, the hardware used can crank out millions of HTTP responses per second.

database access (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Aerospike) libraries are available,

That is important actually.

preferably as a standard library (like in Dart and Go).

Can’t do that. And it’s not standard in Go and Dart but packages, dub should work for that.

And for the third point, I really mean high performance, something that make D's implementation of the (silly) benchmarks immediately go to the top of the chart.

Well I kind if doing this for Regex at times.
Ilia did this with BLAS libraries. If we had a dozen more of performance maniacs with plenty of spare time we’d win every silly benchmark.

If all that is already available, perfect :)
And moreover I'd be delighted to start using D instead of Go for my next web server developments.

You can start now and get performance later? In fact you may supply important benchmarks from your day to day usage.

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