On 02/02/2010 21:09, dsimcha wrote:
== Quote from BCS (n...@anon.com)'s article
Hello Rainer,
BCS wrote:

Anything a group does to it's self is not censorship. Censorship is
where someone from the outside imposes controls.

By that definition, there is no censorship in China, because it's
something the group (i.e. China) does to itself.

Group = citizens of china
controller = government of china
for the case in question (this NG)
group = people posting on NG
controller = people in NG wanting someone banned.
I see a difference

By that logic censorship would be ok in a democracy then.

Absolutely true.
case in point is my country, Israel. we have "military censorship" where any security related info does in fact need to be approved by the army before it is published. unlike china it is OK since it is accepted by the nation (we are a democracy after all) and we all realize that for a country surrounded by enemies this is acceptable approach in order to protect ourselves. In fact, the army censor has very little work to do, mainly with regards to the media. We all serve in the army and understand the importance of this issue so there's little need to have an outside censorship police.

Based on my personal experience, this self imposed censorship is misunderstood by other people which shows in the way foreign media misjudges us on many occasions.

To conclude, It is perfectly fine to have self imposed censorship.

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