On 8/18/2010 20:37, dsimcha wrote:
> I've been hacking in Phobos and parallelfuture and I've come to the conclusion
> that having typeof(c) in the expression foreach(c; string.init) not be a dchar
> is simply ridiculous.

I have long ago come to the opposite conclusion.  An array of 'char'
should act like any other array.  If you want a sequence of 'dchar' that
is internally stored as an array of 'char', don't call it 'char[]'.

You propose to fix a special case by adding more special cases.  This
will increase, not decrease, the number of cases that will need special
treatment in generic code.

Iterating over a sequence of 'char' as a sequence of 'dchar' is very
useful.  Implementing this functionality as a language feature, tied to
the built-in array type, is just plain wrong.

> static assert(is(typeof({
>     foreach(elem; T.init) {
>         return elem;
>     }
>     assert(0);
> }) == ElementType!(T));
> Looks reasonable.  FAILS on narrow strings.

Because ElementType!(string) is broken.

> size_t walkLength1(R)(R input) {
>     size_t ret = 0;
>     foreach(elem; input) {
>         ret++;
>     }
>     return ret;
> }
> size_t walkLength2(R)(R input) {
>     size_t ret = 0;
>     while(!input.empty) {
>        ret++;
>        input.popFront();
>     }
>     return ret;
> }
> assert(walkLength1(stuff) == walkLength2(stuff));
> FAILS if stuff is a narrow string with characters that aren't a single code 
> point.

Because 'popFront' is broken for narrow strings.

> void printRange(R)(R range) {
>     foreach(elem; range) {
>         write(elem, ' ');
>     }
>     writeln();
> }
> Prints garbage if range is a string with characters that aren't a single code
> point.

Prints bytes from the string separated by spaces.  This may be
intentional behavior if the parser on the other side is not utf-aware.

Rainer Deyke - rain...@eldwood.com

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