On 12/10/10 11:55 AM, Kagamin wrote:
Bernard Helyer Wrote:

std.gregorian's API doesn't
make my normal tasks easy

What tasks do you mean?

Probably not even worth discussing. std.gregorian was a stub aimed at raising awareness of the necessity of a champion for a date and time framework. Apparently one indeed rose to the challenge :o).

std.gregorian will be eliminated by std.datetime. I am confident there was no significant usage of it.

I'll close the vote today around 16:00 PST so Walter can prepare a release soon (it is about time with this major addition and 70+ bug fixes). If no seismic counter-argument comes about (but please do voice it if you know of one!) I see it likely that std.datetime will be accepted, modulo a few concerns that can be addressed via the normal maintenance and enhancement process.

Contingent to the acceptance of std.datetime, I think it's fit to extend an invitation to Jonathan to join the ranks of Phobos committers. After all he will have written 25% of it, and in a single file no less :o). (klickeverbot: I agree the large file size can become a burden in more than one way going forward, but we can defer the many possible solutions to the time when such problems manifest themselves.)

In my opinion Jonathan has earned the Phobos invite by displaying reliability, persistence, maturity (danger of drunken commits at 3AM on Saturday is seemingly low), and of course great skill and understanding of D and its environment. If you have any concerns about this, please either post here or write me email in confidence.



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