On 10.12.2010 23:42, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Fri, 10 Dec 2010 15:21:38 -0500, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:

Would it be better if I changed the IRange functions so that rather than
returning a delegate, they took an interval and returned the range? So, rather

auto interval = Interval!Date(Date(2010, 9, 2), Date(2010, 9, 27));
auto func = IRange.everyDayOfWeek!Date(DayOfWeek.fri);
auto range = interval.fwdRange(func);

you'd get something like

auto interval = Interval!Date(Date(2010, 9, 2), Date(2010, 9, 27));
auto range = IRange.everyDayOfWeek!Date(interval, DayOfWeek.fri);

Then you wouldn't have to give the IRange function Direction.fwd or
Direction.bwd (well, just Direction.bwd, since fwd is the default) then pass that it to fwdRange() or bwdRange() and have to worry about whether you screwed up and mismatched the directions. It would then be caught at compile time rather
than runtime.

fwdRange() and bwdRange() would stay the same, but you wouldn't have to call the
directly unless you were writing your own delegate.

Does that seem like a big improvement to you? After thinking of about the problem further and coming up with that change, I'm definitely considering making

As potential user, of course, I would like this improvement, I sure others will too.

When I looked at the code, I didn't pay much attention to the range stuff.

I have an impression many readers didn't managed to get there with a fresh mind :)

But you really need to incorporate IFTI here. It would be much nicer if you did:

auto ival = interval(Date(2010, 9, 2), Date(2010, 9, 27);
auto range = everyDayOfWeek(ival, DayOfWeek.fri);

Yes, that's even better, and, in fact, simple.

At least that's a start, we should be able to build more wrappers to reduce the verbosity:.

auto range = everyDayOfWeek(Date(2010, 9, 2), Date(2010, 9, 27), DayOfWeek.fri);

Some way to use slice syntax might be nice.  perhaps:

auto range = Date["9/2/2010".."9/27/2010"].every(DayOfWeek.fri);

maybe that last one is just a pipe dream ;)

I like that dream, maybe start sort of contest on the most convenient and terse notations ?


Dmitry Olshansky

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