On 16.12.2010 14:39, Justin Johansson wrote:
Just wondering how others rate Thunderbird as a decent newsreader.

My experience with Thunderbird is that it is not of a standard of
distinction that one would hope for in 2010 coming 2011.

I suppose the real problem is that almost noone cares about newsgroups, so don't expect any improvements in this field to ever happen. I'm a Windows user, and Thunderbird is the newsreader I use.

Thunderbird is pretty buggy, but I haven't found a good replacement, at least not yet. I regularly experience to annoying dataloss bugs. The first is when TB messes up posts. This is easily fixed by making it rebuild its index files (yes, TB corrupts its own data files on a regular basis, with no help at all). The second and worst is when it loses track of which posts I've read and which I haven't. There's no way that I know of to fix that.

The real fix to this issue has to be that people stop using newsgroups and start using something else instead. Maybe the D mailing list newsgroup mirrors are is the solutions, I don't know. Should I bother trying, or would I just be replacing one set of problems with another?

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