- Thunderbird apparently has *data loss/corruption* issues, and yet it's
very popular.
- OE *doesn't* have data loss/corruption issues, and yet it's widely
looked-down upon.

So what's wrong with this picture?

I've never used OE as, well, I preferred Thunderbird, however I've never experienced any data loss/corruption with Thunderbird. Perhaps it's not the products themselves but something in the environment that's causing the issue?

The only thing that I can say definitively is that I did a quick DuckDuckGo Search for ["outlook express" data loss corruption] and ["mozilla thunderbird" data loss corruption] (Search terms between brackets) and where the first search had a number of results discussing data corruption with OE, the second had far fewer. Granted, this is not a scientific, but neither program can ensure data does not become corrupted.

On a side note, as for why OE is looked down upon, at least from my point of view any environment where different pieces of software are so closely tied together that it makes various types of virii very easy to create/propagate is not one I want on my system. My word processor should not control my email client and vice-versa. I'm the type of person that if I don't know that a piece of software is being installed by company sysops, I'll report a virus since I was unaware of the installation and I didn't do it myself. And yes, I have done that.


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