On 01/19/2011 05:16 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

> This is what the "Open Scalable Language Toolchains" talk is about
> http://vimeo.com/16069687
> The idea is that the compile has the job of compiling the program and providing information about the program to allow other tools to make use of the information without their own lex/parser/analysis work. Meaning the compile should not have an advantage.

Let us call "decoder" the part of a compiler that scans, parses, "semanticises" source code; and (syntactic/semantic) tree the resulting representation of code. What I dream of is a decoder that (on demand) spits out a data-description module of this tree. I mean a source code module --ideally in the source language itself: here D-- that can be imported by any other tool needing as input the said tree .

[D is not that bad as data-desription language, thank to its nice literal notations (not comparable to Lua, indeed, but Lua was designed for that). It's also easy in D, I guess, to define proper types for the various kinds of nodes the tree would hold. D's main obstacle AFAIK is data description must all be put in the module's "static this" clause (for some reason I haven't yet understood); but we can survive that.]

vita es estrany

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