Adam Ruppe Wrote:

> Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> > Your tool will just download the latest version of Y and the
> > whole thing crashes and burns.
> My problem is I don't see how that'd happen in the first place. Who
> would distribute something they've never compiled?
> If they compiled it, it would have downloaded the other libs
> already, so any sane distribution *already* has the dependent
> libraries, making this whole thing moot.

But if they haven't done any development on it for the last year, but the 
library it depends on has...

> The build tool is meant to help the developer, not the user. If
> the user needs help, it means the developer didn't do his job
> properly.

Isn't the developer the user?

> That said, the configuration file, as described in my last post,
> seems like it can solve this easily enough.

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