Am 20.01.2011 14:48, schrieb Adam Ruppe:
Pre-built libs aren't all that useful anyway, for several reasons:

By "pre-built" I mean all the source is in one place, so the
compile Just Works, not necessarily being pre-compiled.

So if you downloaded, every file it needs is in there. No
need to separately hunt down random.garbage. as well.

Bascially, the developer can compile it on his machine. He sends
me the files he used to build it all in one place. That way, it
is guaranteed to work - everything needed is right there.

Ah, ok.
I'd prefer a dependency-system though, so if mylib needs random.garbage.0.5.etc it should fetch it from the repository as well. So when there's a non-breaking security update to random.garbage, mylib automatically gets it upon rebuild.

However, when there are breaking changes, random.garbage needs a new version (e.g. 0.6.etc instead of 0.5.etc).

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