On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 02:32:28 +0300, Michel Fortin <michel.for...@michelf.com> wrote:

On 2011-01-28 17:09:08 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> said:

On 1/28/11 3:05 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
Not my preferred choices (especially #1), but having containers in
Phobos will certainly be an improvement over not having them. So go ahead!
Well if you brought forth some strong argument I'm all ears. What I see for now is that struct containers are just difficult to implement and need to have carefully explained semantics, whereas a lot of people know how classes behave from day one.

We already argument this over and over in the past. First, I totally acknowledge that C++ style containers have a problem: they make it easier to copy the content than pass it by reference. On the other side of the spectrum, I think that class semantics makes it too easy to have null dereferences, it's easy to get lost when you have a container of containers.

I have some experience with containers having class-style semantics: in Objective-C, I ended up creating a set of macro-like functions which I use to initialize containers whenever I use them in case they are null. And I had to do more of these utility functions to handle a particular data structure of mine which is a dictionary of arrays of objects. In C++, I'd have declared this as a "map< string, vector< Object > >" and be done with it; no need for special care initializing each vector, so much easier than in Objective-C.

I agree that defining structs to have reference semantics as you have done is complicated. But I like the lazy initialization, and we have a precedent for that with AAs (ideally, AAs would be a compatible container too). Can't we just use the GC instead of reference counting? I'd make things much easier. Here is a implementation:

        struct Container
                struct Impl { ... }

                private Impl* _impl;
                ref Impl impl() @property
                        if (!impl) impl = new Impl;
                        return *impl;
                alias impl this;

Unfortunately, this design has big issues:

void fill(Appender appender)

void test()
    Appender<string> appender;
    fill(appender); // Appender is supposed to have reference semantics
    assert(appender.length != 0); // fails!

Asserting above fails because at the time you pass appender object to the fill method it isn't initialized yet (lazy initialization). As such, a null is passed, creating an instance at first appending, but the result isn't seen to the caller.

An explicit initialization is needed to work around this design issue. The worst thing is that in many cases it would work fine (you might have already initialized it indirectly) but sometimes you get unexpected result. I got hit by this in past, and it wasn't easy to trace down.

As such, I strongly believe containers either need to have copy semantics, or be classes. However, copy semantics contradicts with the "cheap copy ctor" idiom because you need to copy all the elements from source container.

I also believe reference semantics are not to be used everywhere, even though they're good most of the time. I'd like to have a way to bypass it and get a value-semantic container. With the above, it's easy as long as you keep Container.Impl public:

        void main() {
                Container      lazyHeapAllocatedContainer;
                Container.Impl stackAllocatedContainer;

        void MyObject {
                Container.Impl listOfObjects;

About #4, it'd be nice to have the containers use move semantics when
possible even if they fallback to (cheap) copy semantic when move isn't
available. That way, if you have a type which is moveable but not
copyable you can still put it in a container. Does that makes sense?
That's what I did up until now. It is tantamount to defining a bunch of methods (aliases or not) that add to the interface that the user must absorb, but that are seldom useful. It just seems that the entire move paraphernalia doesn't lift its weight.

But could we limit this to say that only containers that can return elements by ref? Perhaps that won't help. You know the problem better than me, I don't really have anything more to say.

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