On 01.02.2011 20:01, Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2011-02-01 12:07:55 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> said:

With this, the question becomes a matter of choosing the right
default: do we want values most of the time and occasional
references, or vice versa? I think most of the time you need
references, as witnessed by the many '&'s out there in code working
on STL containers.

What exactly is "most of the time"? In C++, you pass containers by '&'
for function parameters, using '&' elsewhere is rare.

One thing I proposed some time ago to address this problem (and to
which no one replied) was this:

ref struct Container { ... } // new "ref struct" concept

void func(Container c) {
// c is implicitly a "ref Container"

Container a; // by value
func(a); // implicitly passed by ref

Containers would be stored by value, but always passed by ref in
functions parameters.

Thats would not be "per-value" as most understand it.

Container globalC;

void func(Container paramC)
        c.add(42);      // modifies globalC in reference-semantics
                        // leaves globalC as it was in value-semantics

Your Idea would be somehow truly value-based if you default not only to "ref" but to "const ref", because then the function would not be able to alter globalC. But making parameters default-const was not considered the right way for D.

- Krox

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