On Tuesday 01 February 2011 09:07:55 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 2/1/11 10:44 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:
> > On 2011-02-01 11:12:13 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu
> > 
> > <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> said:
> >> On 1/28/11 8:12 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
> >>> On 2011-01-28 20:10:06 -0500, "Denis Koroskin" <2kor...@gmail.com> said:
> >>>> Unfortunately, this design has big issues:
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> void fill(Appender appender)
> >>>> {
> >>>> appender.put("hello");
> >>>> appender.put("world");
> >>>> }
> >>>> 
> >>>> void test()
> >>>> {
> >>>> Appender<string> appender;
> >>>> fill(appender); // Appender is supposed to have reference semantics
> >>>> assert(appender.length != 0); // fails!
> >>>> }
> >>>> 
> >>>> Asserting above fails because at the time you pass appender object to
> >>>> the fill method it isn't initialized yet (lazy initialization). As
> >>>> such, a null is passed, creating an instance at first appending, but
> >>>> the result isn't seen to the caller.
> >>> 
> >>> That's indeed a problem. I don't think it's a fatal flaw however, given
> >>> that the idiom already exists in AAs.
> >>> 
> >>> That said, the nice thing about my proposal is that you can easily
> >>> reuse the Impl to create a new container to build a new container
> >>> wrapper with the semantics you like with no loss of efficiency.
> >>> 
> >>> As for the case of Appender... personally in the case above I'd be
> >>> tempted to use Appender.Impl directly (value semantics) and make fill
> >>> take a 'ref'. There's no point in having an extra heap allocation,
> >>> especially if you're calling test() in a loop or if there's a good
> >>> chance fill() has nothing to append to it.
> >>> 
> >>> That's the issue with containers. The optimal semantics always change
> >>> depending on the use case.
> >> 
> >> Yep, yep, I found myself wrestling with the same issues. All good
> >> points. On one hand containers are a target for optimization because
> >> many will use them. On the other hand you'd want to have reasonably
> >> simple and idiomatic code in the container implementation because you
> >> want people to understand them easily and also to write their own. I
> >> thought for a while of a layered approach in which you'd have both the
> >> value and the sealed reference version of a container... it's just too
> >> much aggravation.
> > 
> > But are you not just pushing the aggravation elsewhere? If I need a by
> > value container for some reason (performance or semantics) I'll have to
> > write my own, and likely others will write their own too.
> If semantics are the primary concern, you could (and in fact Phobos
> could) provide a Value!C template that automatically calls dup in
> this(this) etc.
> For performance I agree there is stuff that class containers leave on
> the table.
> > Using classes for containers is just marginally better than making them
> > by-value structs: you can use 'new' with a by-value struct if you want
> > it to behave as a class-like by-reference container:
> > 
> > struct Container {
> > ...
> > }
> > 
> > auto c = new Container();
> > 
> > The only noticeable difference from a class container is that now c is
> > now a Container*.
> Well one problem now is that if you have a Container* you don't know
> whether it's dynamically allocated or the address of some
> stack-allocated object. This is pretty big; a major issue that I believe
> C++ has is that you can seldom reason modularly about functions because
> C++ makes it impossible to represent reference semantics with
> local/remote/shared/no ownership without resorting to convention.
> A better solution is to define something like
> auto c = new Classify!Container;
> which transforms a value into a class object.
> With this, the question becomes a matter of choosing the right default:
> do we want values most of the time and occasional references, or vice
> versa? I think most of the time you need references, as witnessed by the
> many '&'s out there in code working on STL containers.

Java implements containers as classes (not that it really has any other 
so all containers in Java have reference semantics, and I've _never_ found that 
to be a problem. I do think that there are rare cases where it makes sense for 
container to be a value type, but I really do think that it's a rare case for 
the average programmer. On the other hand, having containers be value types in 
C++ is _frequently_ a problem.

- Jonathan M Davis

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