Andrei Alexandrescu <> wrote:

I do something similar with RefCounted. There are problems - you need to know in advance which functions you can implement on a null container (empty and length are obvious candidates, but there could be others).

Static functions can safely be called. Hence, this template:

import std.traits;

template isStaticFunc(T, string fn) {
    enum isStaticFunc = is(typeof({
        mixin("alias T."~fn~" func;");
        ParameterTypeTuple!func args;

Now, Ref can look like this:

struct Ref(Impl) {
    private Impl* _impl;
    @property ref Impl impl() {
        return *(_impl = (_impl ? _impl : new Impl));
//alias impl this; // Apparently, alias this takes precedence over opDispatch, so // using both doesn't work. Well, unless you put opDispatch in Impl.

auto opDispatch(string name, T...)(T args) if ( isStaticFunc!(Impl, name)) {
        mixin("return impl."~name~"(_impl,args);");

struct ExampleImpl {
    static int length(ExampleImpl* that) {
        return that ? that.actualLength : 0;
    int actualLength( ) {
        return 42;

import std.stdio;

void main( ) {
    Ref!ExampleImpl a;

    writeln( a.length );


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