On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 12:09:00 -0500, Simon Buerger <k...@gmx.net> wrote:

On 28.01.2011 19:31, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
1. Containers will be classes.

2. Most of the methods in existing containers will be final. It's up
to the container to make a method final or not.

3. Containers and their ranges decide whether they give away
references to their objects. Sealing is a great idea but it makes
everybody's life too complicated. I'll defer sealing to future
improvements in the language and/or the reflection subsystem.

4. Containers will assume that objects are cheap to copy so they won't
worry about moving primitives.

Not perfectly what I would like, but a reasonable choice, and most important to actually have a mature container-lib. But there are other choices remaining: what containers will be there and what will they be called? My suggestion is

* Set, MulitSet, Map, MultiMap (hash-table based)
* OrderedSet, OrderedMultiSet, OrderedMap, OrderedMultiMap (tree-based)
* Sequence (like stl-Deque. the name is just more intuitive. Funny enough, the stl-deque implemenation has nothing to do with a "doubly linked list") * Array (like stl-vector. I think "vector" is a kinda strange name, but that may be only my impression)
* List (linked list)

* Stack/Queue/PriorityQueue should be done on top of an other class, with a "impl"-template-param, like the stl-ones

Things to note:
* container should be named with respect to their use, not the implementation. "HashSet" is a bad name, because the user shouldnt care about the implemenation.

* unordered sets are used more often than ordered. So it should be "Set/OrderedSet", and not "UnorderedSet/Set" (also, the first one is two characters less typing *g*)

* opEqual should work between different types of Sets (or Maps, or sequences). Nothing wrong with comparing an ordered to an unordered one, or a list to an array.



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