"Trass3r" <u...@known.com> wrote in message news:op.vq6d47mm3ncmek@enigma...
>> "http://classicshell.sourceforge.net"; might fix some of my Win7 
>> complaints),
> Thanks for the link.
> The copy UI and status bar issues are indeed annoying.

I've never actually tried Classic Shell since my sister's computer is the 
only Win7 machine I ever have access to. But if actually works well, then 
all it would need for me to seriously consider upgrading from XP to Win7 
would be:

1. Fixes for the taskbar changes (ie, the first three bullet points on my 
super-whiny rant: 
http://www.semitwist.com/articles/article/view/why-i-refuse-to-upgrade-to-win7 )

2. XP-style open/save dialog boxes (which doesn't appear likely: 
http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/faq.html#explorer_saveas )

3. Maybe some de-unified back/forward buttons for Windows Explorer. (They 
sounded like a great idea when I first read about IE7, but after using IE7 
extensively to test my sites I found I really hated it. Heck, they're one of 
the reasons I use FF2 instead of FF3.)

4. And maybe some way to rip out the driver-revocation "feature" and the 
DRMed-AV-gets-reduced-in-quality-at-the-drop-of-a-hat "feature". (I know 
these might not be big issues in practice, but I don't trust anything on 
*my* system being completely at the discresion of corporations. Come to 
think of it, this is pretty much the same reason I've never trusted HDMI - 
one little fart and the whole thing *intentially* craps out. It's like the 
broadcast flag, except the FCC never even had the opportunity to say "Umm, 
no. Fuck that.")

If I did get Win7 and Classic Shell, I don't think there's a single thing on 
Classic Shell's Features page ( 
http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/features.html ) that I wouldn't use.

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