On 19/02/2011 23:53, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
But even though I hate Win7 (if I wanted my OS to be like OSX
I'd still be using OSX - although it looks like
"http://classicshell.sourceforge.net";  might fix some of my Win7 complaints),
Linux still isn't quite to the point where I'm ready to switch to it. I
think one big part of it is that I've yet to find a file manager that I like
as much as XP's Explorer. Dolphin's probably the best I've seen so far
(beats the pants off of Nautilus), but there's still enough about it that
bugs me. Not that Explorer doesn't have its problems, but "Better the devil
you know".

Oh man, don't get me started, I hate Windows 7 so much (I have to use it though, it's the least bad of all alternatives for me). And unlike you Nick it's less common for me to hate stuff, so this is a bit more significant :P But the issue is exactly the same. Technically Windows 7 is good (speed and stability), but the UI (same as Vista) is horrid, and I'm embarked on a very difficult quest to make it look as close as possible as my previous classic XP setup. I am already using three OS add-ons: Classic Shell, as you mentioned above; "7 Taskbar Tweaker", a small util to help ungroup similar items in the Windows taskbar; and that dll fix to allow custom themes to be installed , plus the Luna theme for Windows 7 (http://satukoro.deviantart.com/art/Luna-port-to-Windows-7-Aero-136960235) which unfortunately doesn't work entirely well. But even with all this it is still only halfway to what I had before with XP, and I haven't found a way to fix the remaining functionality aspects :SSSSS

Man, I'd wish it was 10-20 years into a future where the successor of Android had become a viable and cool X86 OS... :P

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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