On 2011-02-23 12:01:15 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> said:

Because a pure unsafe function is useless.

I disagree. Suppose you have a function which is conceptually pure but requires a temporary 100 Mb matrix of doubles. Wouldn't it make sense to use malloc/free for this temporary storage instead of using the GC and risking the block never being collected because of a false pointer somewhere?

Should a function be prevented from being pure just because the programmer decided to use some tricks the compiler can't guaranty the safety of? There might be legitimate reasons for those tricks like optimization, solving GC memory problems, using special hardware for some calculation, etc.

@safe has an escape route (@trusted) for when you need to perform these things. If pure makes a function @safe by default, we need to have an escape route for it too ("@trusted pure" perhaps?). My only fear is that pure implying @safe needlessly complicates the attribute system.

Michel Fortin

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