On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 18:33:31 -0500, Bruno Medeiros <brunodomedeiros+spam@com.gmail> wrote:

I'm not saying all pointer arithmetic and manipulation should be illegal. It could be allowed, but only so long as the coder maintains the contract of the pure attribute. So this means that you could use pointers to manipulate whatever is transitively reachable from the function parameters (or stuff that was created inside the pure function), but the rest should not be accessed through pointer arithmetic, precisely because the compiler would not be able to determine that from the function signature. Note that when I said "illegal" I didn't necessarily mean compiler verified illegal code. That might be too complex to implement in the language, so instead it might just be a unchecked contract. Breaking that contract would result in /undefined behavior/.

Then I think we are saying the same thing :)


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