"eles" <e...@eles.com> wrote in message news:is3ihf$qnu$1...@digitalmars.com...
> == Quote from Ali Çehreli (acehr...@yahoo.com)'s article
>> On 05/31/2011 08:10 AM, eles wrote:
>>  > I know no other examples where open-right limits are used.
>> The C++ standard library uses open-right with its pairs of
> iterators.
>> The second iterator "points" at one beyond the last element of the
> range.
>> Ali
> C'mon, if C++ is such a good standard, then D would have never
> appeared. Why not dropping D completely and go to C++ then?
> The fact that C++ uses it that way does not making it good for us.
> D choose slices, not iterators. Maybe we should remind why it did it
> in the first place.
> Now, we are taking the "enemy" (well, is a joke) as a reference in
> the matter?

First you complain about D doing it differently from other popular 
languages. Then when you're given a counterexample, you start complaining 
that D *isn't* doing it differently??? You're really just trolling, aren't 

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