On 5/31/11, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:
> "eles" <e...@eles.com> wrote in message 
> news:is3ihf$qnu$1...@digitalmars.com...
>> == Quote from Ali Çehreli (acehr...@yahoo.com)'s article
>>> On 05/31/2011 08:10 AM, eles wrote:
>>>  > I know no other examples where open-right limits are used.
>>> The C++ standard library uses open-right with its pairs of
>> iterators.
>>> The second iterator "points" at one beyond the last element of the
>> range.
>>> Ali
>> C'mon, if C++ is such a good standard, then D would have never
>> appeared. Why not dropping D completely and go to C++ then?
>> The fact that C++ uses it that way does not making it good for us.
>> D choose slices, not iterators. Maybe we should remind why it did it
>> in the first place.
>> Now, we are taking the "enemy" (well, is a joke) as a reference in
>> the matter?
> First you complain about D doing it differently from other popular
> languages. Then when you're given a counterexample, you start complaining
> that D *isn't* doing it differently??? You're really just trolling, aren't
> you?

Matlab programmers, Java programmers, they all want D to act their way.

As for switch statements (and this is getting offtopic), there are
cases where fallback is nice to have..

final switch (param)
    case FILE_NEW:
    case FILE_OPEN:
    case FILE_SAVE:
    case FILE_SAVE_AS:
    case EDIT_UNDO:
        throw new Exception("unimplemented!");  // or there would be
one method that handles these cases
    case EDIT_CUT:
    case EDIT_COPY:
    case EDIT_PASTE:
    case EDIT_CLEAR:
return 0;

If you didn't have fallback, you would probably have to add some kind
of new statement like "goto next" or "fallback" on each of those

On the other hand, having to add break everywhere is a pain too. So
maybe the change would benefit overall.

The switch statement is a weird construct. It's as if suddenly you're
coding in Python with no curly braces. :)

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