On Wednesday 13 July 2011 03:01:04 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> Regarding this topic's frequent ressurection, I see that as a direct result
> of it all being *merely* talk, with very little concrete progress. We don't
> even *have* a proper package management system (there's DSSS, but it's dead,
> bitrotted, and I don't think it handles dependencies or multiple versions
> of the same package). So naturally that topic's going to keep coming up
> until we have something.

I belive that Jacob Carlborg is working on a solution. So,  there _is_ work 
being done on it. By no means does that mean that you shouldn't work on a 
solution, but it's not the case that no one has been working on the problem - 
though it is true that it's been being brought up for far longer than it's 
been being worked on.

- Jonathan M Davis

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