"Adam D. Ruppe" <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> With Linus being the head Linux guy, I assume he insists on using
>> 8-char tabs. If so, it's no fucking wonder he's unable to handle
>> any more than a minimal number of indents.
> 8 char tabs are a gift from God. 4 char indents barely even
> register to my eyes.

That's interesting, actually. To me, 4-char is perfectly obvious, 8-char is 
exaggerated to an almost comical degree, and 2-char is difficult to see.

I wonder if it could be a font thing. What font/size do you use? I use 
Courier New 10pt on a 21" 4x3 at 1152x864. It's a fairly square font: With 
these settings, I get the letter X sized exactly 1/8 inch by 1/8 inch. Due 
to line spacing in my editor, a 4x4 block of text is about 1/2 inch wide and 
7/8 inches tall. I wonder if maybe your font is more vertical than mine?

(Why the hell can't I find a ruler with metric around here? Fuck these 
stupid imperial units...Maybe I've lost my mind, but I could swear american 
rulers and tape measures always used to have imperial along one side and 
metric along the other. Can't even find them like that anymore. Or with any 
metric at all, for that matter. What, are we planning on adding imperial 
units now to our ever-growing list of "crap to try to cram down the EU's 

> Of course, the real gift is the '\t' character, since it's semantic
> markup instead of the vile vile evil presentational markup that is
> the space. Anyone who uses spaces is a heretic and should be
> excommunicated.

Amen! ;)

> BTW 80 character lines kick ass. I like to stack and tile my
> windows, so I prefer to not maximize any one window. Being able to
> actually work with it when in a small window is very nice.

I'm sort of the opposite: I rarely have anything non-maximized. I guess it 
works for me because I make heavy use of alt-tab and the taskbar. (I might 
do things differently if I were on a widescreen, though. Not that I'd ever 
want to use one.) I do still like to use 80-char as a general guideline, 

> (that reminds me. "Write a style guide" someone said to me. OK,
> I wrote back "don't vomit diarrhea". Good enough for me! Hire
> someone who knows what he's doing, and it ought to be good enough
> for anyone. Alas, they disagreed :-(.
> But even in the final draft, "avoid idiotic repetition" was far
> more important to me than trivialities like line length. Christ. )

Now there's a style guildeline I can really get behind!

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