Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2011-09-17 00:34, Peter Alexander wrote:
>>> This is exactly what I was thinking, and it's even more true now
>>> that D has two
>>> fully open-source compilers. GDC is almost usable on x86 already.
>>> ("Almost" here
>>> means there's one showstopper bug that keeps me from using it for
>>> real work.) I'm
>>> sure you could hire a dev or two to get it working well on ARM
>>> and/or PowerPC.
>>> Think of all the money you'd save by not having to hire a bunch of
>>> extra people to
>>> write and maintain mountains of boilerplate.
>> Remember:
>> 1. You don't get the money until the job is done.
> Is that really realistic for a large project like this.

It is if you are stupid enough to actually bite on that Craigslist-type 

> I assume it's
> a large project

Well aren't you the brightest knob on the door!

> regarding the money involved.

Ah, so THAT is what "tipped you off", huh.

> Wouldn't you divide the
> project in several smaller projects and get paid for the smaller
> projects?

You're not as dumb as I look! (Good for you, but I don't think we even 
want the project). 

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