On 11/11/2011 5:30 AM, Marco Leise wrote:
I hope you see the difference between 'byte' which is confusing, but 100%
consistent with (u)byte, (u)short, (u)int and (u)long, and other discussions
about 'inout' which originated from in and out and will forever be confused with
them. There is also some library functions, like clear() which looks like the
well known action to remove all elements from a container when used with
universal function call on (associative-)arrays, but has a different purpose.

I do have to agree that there are two sides to everything.

For example, "immutable" used to be named "invariant". Unfortunately, I had to spend endless effort explaining to people about what invariant meant. I found I frequently described invariant as meaning immutable. When I said the word "immutable", people would get it.

I finally had to accept the inevitable, and change the keyword.

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